Lois Burwell

Lois is a British make-up artist, who is most famous for her work on Saving Private Ryan and The Green Mile. She received an Oscar for the make-up she did in the film Braveheart. More recently, she transformed an actor into Abraham Lincoln with the use of silicone prosthetics.

She infinitely respected in the industry and often works alongside Steven Speilberg. Aside from this she has worked on films and productions such as War Horse, War of the Worlds, Muppets Christmas Carol, Mission Impossible and the list goes on.

I have taken some quotes from her Q&A for this page, because I feel they highlight what she does and her reasoning behind it very well, after all these words are straight from the horses mouth! She is a very inspiring artist and has a lot of passion and drive for what she does. I really enjoyed researching this artist because it opens your mind new ideas and pathways.

“What advice would you give to someone who is embarking on their career in the industry?

The best piece of advice I received that has stood me in good stead and I would pass on to new Make-Up Artists, is to keep a keen eye, always be looking, learning drawing from people around you.  Observe from real life, then replicate a look in advance. Practice hones our skills and when you first attempt something and it fails, don’t stop.  Keep going until you get the look that is an improvement. Keep learning.

Who inspires you / who are some Make-Up artists you admire and why?

To be honest I have been inspired and am inspired, by quite a few Make-Up artists at different times and in different ways, so really would not want to single out one over another as many are currently working as my peers. That would be bad manners. Those who are no longer working are a different matter all together.

Tom Smith, who gave a rookie a chance, who shared his great knowledge and skill with generosity, his humour and a sense of pleasure in doing the work for its own reward rather than for accolades. Also, Dick Smith, who shared his great skill and was so inspiring, spreading his enthusiasm for the craft while pushing new ways to improve himself and others, with generosity.

What resources do you draw from for inspiration?

Inspiration is all around us.  Nature is the greatest resource, both on land and under the sea. Faces in the street, films, photographs, paintings, textiles, the written word …and I draw upon it all. For film though, it’s always the script that pulls me in. The actual story telling process is why I get excited and see the film unfolding in my imagination.” (Burwell, 2014)

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